PhysioAcademy online

Cupping course with BellaBambi

This is a 14-hour online course for physiotherapists and seniors, taught by Stefan Richelli. It will give you the keys to mastering cupping with BellaBambi from a whole new perspective. Understand fasciae, how they are related, and learn cupping therapy for mobilization of myofascial tissue. With a precise intervention you can act on the triggers of the disease before treating its symptoms.

Content of the online course

Theory (2 hours)

We describe, in a simple way, the composition and basic functioning of the fasciae.

We explain the most relevant functions that interest us for our therapy.

What we want to provoke with our therapies on the fascia.

We describe the operation of the suction cups.

Know the pathologies or cases in which you have to be careful or not apply the suction cups.

The different application techniques depending on the intensity and objectives.

In which cases are suction cups indicated.

Know the different types of fascial alterations that exist.

Know the different types of fascial alterations that exist.

Know the different types of fascial alterations that exist.

Learn about the different types of fascial alterations that exist and how to dose and assess the progression of treatments.

10 hours practice

We show you the different intensities that can be applied.

Description of the technique and its benefits.

Description of the technique and its benefits.

Description of the technique and its benefits.

Description of the technique and its benefits.

Description of the technique and its benefits.

Description of the technique and its benefits.

Description of the technique and its benefits.

Description of the technique and its benefits.

Know the different types of fascial alterations that exist.

Learn about the different types of fascial alterations that exist and how to dose and assess the progression of treatments.

Approach to the pathology, mobilization and exercises with BellaBambi suction cups.

Approach to the pathology, mobilization and exercises with BellaBambi suction cups.

Approach to the pathology, mobilization and exercises with BellaBambi suction cups.

Approach to the pathology, mobilization and exercises with BellaBambi suction cups.

Approach to the pathology, mobilization and exercises with BellaBambi suction cups.

Approach to the pathology, mobilization and exercises with BellaBambi suction cups.

Approach to the pathology, mobilization and exercises with BellaBambi suction cups.

Approach to the pathology, mobilization and exercises with BellaBambi suction cups.

Approach to the pathology, mobilization and exercises with BellaBambi suction cups.

Approach to the pathology, mobilization and exercises with BellaBambi suction cups.

Approach to the pathology, mobilization and exercises with BellaBambi suction cups.

2 hours clinical case

We invite you to attend a physiotherapy session for a common treatment of back discomfort using cupping techniques with BellaBambi and instrumental therapy. Examination, treatment and exercises.


We ask you to demonstrate your knowledge of the subject to grant you the title that proves having passed the exam and being an accredited therapist.

Extra content

Scientific publications.

Content of the online course

Fascial tissue is present throughout the body and cannot be excluded in any type of treatment due to its prevalence in all functions.

Knowing its operation, its alterations and the most effective way of how to treat it through manipulation combined with BellaBambi cupping and exercise, will give you the keys to solve your patients’ pathologies more quickly and effectively.

Step by step, at your own pace

The cupping course with BellaBambi is designed so that you can go step by step deepening this technique. At your own pace, from the tranquility of your home, you will be able to follow the agenda, acquiring the necessary knowledge to obtain your certificate after passing the exam.