This online course, taught by Stefan Richelli (CV), aimed at physiotherapists and final year students, with 14 teaching hours, will give you the keys to master Flossing with Comprefloss.
Understand the fascia, how they are related and learn treatment with short-term elastic compression bandages for mobilization of myofascial tissue. With a precise intervention you will be able to act on the triggering factors of the pathology before treating its symptoms.
Learn about the origins and creator of the method.
Fields of application of the technique.
Precautions that we must take to apply the techniques.
Learn how the bandage works on the body.
What is fascia?
The components of the fascia.
Responsible for immediate changes in technique.
How the fascia is injured.
How we can act on the fascia.
What we seek to provoke in the fascia.
How we act on free terminations.
How we eliminate metabolic waste.
How the tissue adapts to mechanical stress.
How we modify the fundamental substance.
Why we should remove the bandages quickly.
The importance of three-dimensional movement.
How to balance the body.
Type of bands, intensities and lengths.
What things must be taken into consideration at all times.
From acute to chronic.
Depending on the objectives.
Everything you need to know.
Everything you need to know.
Everything you need to know.
Everything you need to know.
Everything you need to know.
How to apply the bandages.
How to correctly modulate tension.
Maintenance of bandages.
Basic application.
How to focus treatment.
How to bandage, mobilize and what exercises to do with bandages.
How to bandage, mobilize and what exercises to do with bandages.
How to bandage, mobilize and what exercises to do with bandages.
How to bandage, mobilize and what exercises to do with bandages.
How to bandage, mobilize and what exercises to do with bandages.
How to bandage, mobilize and what exercises to do with bandages.
How to bandage, mobilize and what exercises to do with bandages.
How to bandage, mobilize and what exercises to do with bandages.
How to bandage, mobilize and what exercises to do with bandages.
How to bandage, mobilize and what exercises to do with bandages.
How to bandage, mobilize and what exercises to do with bandages.
How to bandage, mobilize and what exercises to do with bandages.
How to bandage, mobilize and what exercises to do with bandages.
How to bandage, mobilize and what exercises to do with bandages.
How to bandage, mobilize and what exercises to do with bandages.
How to bandage, mobilize and what exercises to do with bandages.
How to bandage, mobilize and what exercises to do with bandages.
How to bandage, mobilize and what exercises to do with bandages.
How to bandage, mobilize and what exercises to do with bandages.
How to bandage, mobilize and what exercises to do with bandages.
How to bandage, mobilize and what exercises to do with bandages.
How to bandage, mobilize and what exercises to do with bandages.
How to bandage, mobilize and what exercises to do with bandages.
How to bandage, mobilize and what exercises to do with bandages.
How to bandage, mobilize and what exercises to do with bandages.
How to bandage, mobilize and what exercises to do with bandages.
How to bandage, mobilize and what exercises to do with bandages.
We present you a complete treatment for back discomfort in general. Your examination, treatment and exercises.
We ask you to demonstrate your knowledge of the subject to grant you the title that certifies that you have passed the exam and are an accredited therapist.
Scientific publications.